In different places of our Motherland, we constantly meet monuments that serve as a reminder for us of some significant dates, people, events. But among these monuments, for the manufacture of which stone and metal are mainly used, there are special monuments. These monuments were not specially made. These products were destined to become monuments. I'm talking about technical monuments. When a technique is installed on a pedestal as a reminder and glorification. Often the technique is well-deserved, long and honestly serving people. Or even killed in battle. For me, these are special and beloved monuments. Monuments to human labor and courage, monuments to heroic deeds. Dry lines of inscriptions on stone replace the lines and curves of metal. Mechanisms of its era. According to them, we can partly visually imagine that time has already passed.
With this preface we would like to begin a new section. It will publish the history of the monuments on which the technique of the era, its mechanisms, has frozen. Hope it will be interesting.